About Pastor

Who is pastor kabuye Peterson

Born on 19th Sept 1976 at Mukono District headquarters in a local outside bathroom where his parents where residing. This happened when the mother had gone to bath during day time and all of a sudden a baby was delivered without knowing that it was her time of delivery.

Pastor was born in a family of twelve children where now only six children are living. Pastor was raised in a humble family where feeding and going to school was a problem. Pastor’s parents were so poor and could not afford to provide the basic necessities of life which and this situation helped pastor Kabuye Peterson to grow up while having mercy upon the less privileged. By the grace of God pastor went to school where he managed to acquire a diploma in Animal Husbandry. In 1995, pastor Kabuye Peterson got saved after hearing the good news about the kingdom of God and accepted Jesus Christ to be his personal savior and lord.

,1998, after pastor Kabuye Peterson seeking the face of the lord Jesus Christ in prayer and fasting, the lord called him in ministry and the voice of God told him one day while pastor was praying on one of the prayer mountain in Kampala that God is going to use him mightily.

In 1999, the lord led me to MT. Lebanon church in Mukono – UGANDA and after praying there for 2 weeks the senior pastor of the church told me that the lord spoke to him that I start ministering with pastor Kabuye Peterson. So pastor started ministering as an interpreter in church.
In 2000, pastor Kabuye Peterson was appointed as a youth pastor to lead the youth the work he did well and led the youth in out reach missions where many souls were won to Jesus. This pleased his pastor and appointed him as a deacon in 2021. Pastor was appointed in different positions in church like the general secretary and advisor on the church committe.

In 2005 pastor married Justine Kabuye who became pastor’s wife todate and have 5 children 3 boys and two girls. By the time pastor Kabuye Peterson married Justine, Justine had also been ordained by her pastor as a pastor. Pastor Justine Kabuye is working with pastor Kabuye Peterson in ministry to expand the kingdom of God in Uganda. In 2008 the lord spoke to pastor Kabuye Peterson to start a church and in that very year Mukono Miracle Center international was started with 3 people but through fervent prayers and fasting the lord added on us other people and the number increased to 20 because miracles , signs and wonders were happening many joined us and the number became 80. The lord continued to minister to us and we so numerous miracles happening, the mad was healed, the demon possessed, the cancerous, the barren and the sick.

In 2010, the lord spoke to me to start an evangelist ministry which I named Kabuye Peterson Global Ministries – KPGM a ministry which won souls through conferences and crusades in most districts of Uganda. In the same year , I started Focus on Most Vulnerable in Communities -FMVC a community based organization catering for the less privileged in communities like orphans, widows, HIV AIDS victims, single mothers, youth, drug addicts, street children, elderly, homeless, school dropouts girls and destitutes. Unfortunately I did not get donors or sponsors however I could mobilize or solicit fewer support from my colleagues.

In 2018, the parliament of Uganda issued a law that all independent churches must be registered and by the time I went to register the church I found out when our name had been reserved. God gave pastor Kabuye Peterson another name which is Glorious Miracle Missions international which was incorporated in that very year. Glorious Miracle Missions international is a faith based registered ministry committed to preaching the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ, fulfilling the Great commission and also transforming communities by helping the less privileged in communities.

That is the information about pastor Kabuye Peterson thank you.